Saturday, August 22, 2009

First Day of School

I hate the first day of school. End of summer, end of hanging out, end of free time in general. I miss my kids like crazy, and while most moms skip home from the bus stop, I bawl, and continue bawling for about a week. Oh well, I'm un-healthily attached to my offspring. I'm glad that preschool starts in a week and I'll have a dozen kids here that I can love up.

Cupcake party

I found these cutest ever cupcake charms online and decided that they had to be the theme for my little's 10th birthday! They turned out to be as cute as I hoped, but an honest PAIN in the neck to put on. Everyone left with quite sore fingers, but a fab charm bracelet. We also decorated cupcakes. The girls got to mix their own frosting colors and we got some good ones! Happy Birthday Girlie!