I love any break from school. I'm the mom with the self-imposed "early out Thursday", where I pick my girls up early. Not the most responsible thing, I realize; I just want to hang out with my kids all of the time! So a week off of school was a lot of fun. We had a couple of days of warm weather, the littles got to ride bikes, and play out side all day and get filthy. My favorite thing is mud covered princesses that smell of a mixture of sweat and sunshine. Even Ruby got muddy, and had to have a bath. She's not nearly as cute when she's wet. I came in one day to a surprise tea party, complete with strawberry tea, a little bowl of torn up bread, and a little bowl of tortilla chips (since we didn't have any small cakes on hand, they had to do, and did so beautifully). We felt bad for our dad who had to do homework non-stop as usual. No spring break for him. We are all the more excited for summer now, especially July when our dad gets the month off!